Marloes Berkelaar is based in Rotterdam in the beautiful province of South Holland at the mouth of the Nieuwe Maas. She was born in Gouda in the Netherlands and grew up in Krimpen aan den IJssel at the border of the Krimpenerwaard.
Before Marloes Berkelaar started photographing she has worked full-time for years as a certificated nurse all fields and as a pedagogic cooperator among others under contract with:
-Pameijer, Social Psychiatry, Assisted Living Facility for adults with psychiatric disorders.
-TriviumLindenhof, Child- and Youth Care, Living Group/Treatment older youth, 12-18 years old.
-ASVZ, Respite Care, children/youth with mental and/or psychiatric and/or physical disorders.
-Randstad Health Care, several divisions and locations among others: Steinmetz, IJsselland Ziekenhuis, De Stromen, Laurens, Zorggroep Rijnmond, Humanitas, Rheumatism Nursing Home, Rehabilitation Center Rijndam, Psychiatric Centre Delta.
Nowadays she follows her great passion for photography in all her varieties by creating her own work by taking intuitive photos on what interests her deeply such as nature, wildlife, travel and many more.
Email: info@marloesberkelaar.nl